League response to the City’s Draft Rezoning Proposal

The City of Edmonton has released a Draft Rezoning Proposal map for Garneau and is seeking feedback digitally from 4-24 Nov and in-person on 13 Nov (see details below).

This is the map of proposed rezoning provided by the city:


The community’s advocacy to date appears to have made a difference.

  • Most of North and South Garneau have been removed from the proposed upzoning. This means most of the existing small-scale residential (areas zoned RS) aren’t getting upzoned as part of this exercise.

While the new draft rezoning proposal is improved, two major problems remain.

  • Lack of appropriate transitions: sites adjacent to the RS (small-scale residential) and DC1 (heritage area) are zoned too high. Specifically 87 Ave N (upzoning RM h16 to RL h50) is adjacent to the current RS in North Garneau.

  • Upzoning 81st Ave North reduces existing small scale residential.

  • Upzoning 85th North (RM h16 to h23) puts further development pressure on historic properties and small scale housing.

Suggested Changes from The Garneau Community League

To address the concerns noted above, we have several suggestions.

Recommended Changes to Proposed Rezoning (see revised map below):

  • Sites adjacent to RS and DC1 areas: Generally should be limited to RM h16. In select locations, RM h23 may be appropriate for end of block lots. 

  • 87 Ave North, between 109 and 110 Streets: Should be reduced to RM h16 (current zoning) with consideration of RM h23 at the corners.

  • 85 Ave North, between 110 and 111 Streets (across the street from the DC1 heritage area): should remain RM h16, which is the existing zoning.

  • 109 Street West, between 84 Ave and 86 Ave (i.e. adjacent to the DC1 heritage area): Should be reduced to MU h21.

  • 81 Ave North between 109 and 112 Streets: should remain RS, which is the existing zoning.

Additional Recommendations:

  • No more upzoning in the RS / DC1 areas: As Garneau is far from maximizing development potential with current zoning, additional rezoning applications on small-scale residential sites should not be supported. The City should make clear that zoning guidelines are in place for a reason and that exceptions will not be granted. 

  • Other Policy Objectives: The City should clearly identify policy objectives for development beyond density targets. The Garneau Community League supports development that provides adaptable housing for multi-person households, and increases the diversity, liveability and vibrancy of our neighbourhood.

  • Priority should be redeveloping low-density, car-oriented sites along 109 Street. The City should use policy or incentives to ensure sites primed for redevelopment are prioritized. 

  • Greater transparency: We would like more information on the City’s “What We Heard” report, in order to understand the level of support or opposition to the City’s initial proposal. As it stands, the report provides a generalized “both sides” description, and no data to back it up. In our view, the report is not representative of the real concerns and overwhelmingly negative response to the proposed rezoning of Garneau. 

Here is a revised map indicating the changes proposed by the Garneau Community League planning committee:

What Next?

The efforts of TGCL and local residents have had a positive impact on the planning process over the past few months. It is imperative that local residents continue to respond to the City’s request for feedback. Feel free to use key points or sections in this document to develop your own comments. Please be as specific as possible (ie.North of 87 avenue should stay RM h16); add many comments; and ask your neighbors to do the same. It is not the idea that will influence the final direction but the number of comments saying the same thing.

City Of Edmonton Engagement Opportunities

  • In-Person Engagement
    November 13, 2024
    Time: 5:30 - 8:30 p.m.
    Location: City Arts Centre, Performing Arts Studio, 10942 83 Avenue NW
    Format: Drop in, open house style


The Garneau Community League’s Position on Development in Garneau


District Planning Amendment for Garneau: Failed Motion and Next Steps